Top 5 Shows to Binge:
Pandemic Edition
My criteria for watching a show: minimum 1 hot guy.
In these trying times of doing nothing and seeing no one, I bring you a review of some of my favorite shows to binge. Now, I tried to give some variety to the selection because generally it would all be crime/buddy cop/murder shows. So here is the list, folks! My top 5 binge worthy TV series on Netflix for whichever mood you may be in.
1. On My Block
I had seen this show, or it's photo, on Netflix for a while and it never really interested me. I thought to myself " Oh! It's another gang drama bla bla bla... So serious..." But after running low on shows to watch, I gave it a shot. Why not try one episode and get a feel for what the show is about. The show is basically a modern day Goonies / Veronica Mars set in a inner city neighborhood of L.A and it is AWESOME! I actually laughed out loud and the show was good enough for me to be distracted from my sewing. That's saying a lot because usually I put shows on that I can ignore or don't have to physically watch to keep track of. Lots of action, drama, jokes, teen angst and mystery! It was a wonderful discovery even though season 3 sort of felt meh but having a hot guy in the show helps. If you're looking for a show with a hot guy and kids solving mysteries, I recommend this one! I rate this show a 4/5
2. Life In Pieces
The cast of this show is top notch! James Brolin... Colin Hanks... the mom from Lost Boys! So many great people! I loved this show because each episode had roughly 3 short stories in it and you could watch the episodes out of order and still be able to know what's happening. The writing is silly and fun. Although, I'm pretty sure I cried at some of the episodes, the show sometimes touches on some heavier content like miscarriages but they do it in such a tender way. The youngest daughter/ grand-daughter has to be my favorite character in the bunch. I think it's because I identify with her personality. I would recommend this as a winding down sort of show. If you're feeling stressed and need something to just make you giggle, this would be the show. It's a glass of wine and feet up sort of show. I rate this show 5/5
3. The End of the Fxxxing World
This is a British show and it is flipping the best! Not only is the music in the show perfection, so is the story line. It's a bit on the darker side and I know a few of you wouldn't be keen on the content but this is so my cup of tea. Pinky out! Oddball characters, out of control adventures, teenage whatnot’s figuring out their existence, murder and a great soundtrack. This is the show in a nutshell. I don't wanna give more away on this show but it was definitely one I did not want to stop watching. It's a show where you see the late hour on your clock and think " Bah! Maybe one more!" There really isn't a season that disappointed me. Consistently good! I'm not sure what kind of mood you'd have to be in to watch this but it's definitely a show that you just get absorbed into. I rate this show 5/5
4. Locke & Key
Oh, Joe Hill! Your Stephen King is showing! I know, I know he wrote it with Gabriel Rodríguez but still the vibe is there! For those who aren't following up until this point, Joe Hill is Stephen King's son. He writes under a pen name so that he isn't riding on coat tails, I guess. Anyhow, the show is great! I really enjoyed it even though I figured out the twist ( Yes! There's a twist!) far before the end but my brain is just trained for that kind of thing. I love to solve a mysteries! Pretty sure I missed my calling as a modern day Nancy Drew. The show can be spooky with a few jump scares but to me it felt so whimsical. The house alone is something to watch this show for and will make you wish you had magic keys. For those who are scaredy cats, I'd recommend watching this show on a Saturday afternoon and for the less afraid, watch it at night with all the lights out. If you prefer books to TV shows, Locke & Key was a graphic novel before it was a TV series! This show made me want to write stories again. It flipped a switch in my brain that was dusty and hadn't been touched since I was 20 something. I rate this show 4/5 (It lost points because they hinted so much at the twist, so unless you aren't listening...)
Gotta catch ‘em all…those keys.
Facial hair for days!
5. Wynonna Earp
A little Canadian content coming your way! I do love a Canadian made show. There's just something very different in the writing and filming that stands out. Oh, Canada! Now, why did I choose Wynonna Earp over Schitts Creek you may ask? While I do love Schitts Creek, I enjoy a western more. Even though this western is set in modern times with supernatural creatures that can only be killed by the descendant of Wyatt Earp! I mean, come on! This checks all my boxes! Also, Tim Rozon is in it and he was also in Schitts Creek! Canadian casting, baby! This show is fun with shoot 'em ups, supernatural bad guys and an attractive Doc Holliday. Even though I absolutely remember enjoying this show, I couldn't tell you now what the episodes were about other then " Oh and then Doc Holliday was there!" and " Some Supernatural guys are trying to get Wynonna" So for that I have no choice but to give the show 3/5 but I would re-watch this show a dozen times. Just as I have watched Supernatural over 15 times.
Enjoy! Stay safe and wash your hands! Social distancing doesn’t mean hanging out with people at a beach or next door. Be smart.