Sewing and Horror Movies
There are currently 232 Horror movies on Netflix ( according to google) and I have seen most of them. I mean I've been through most movies and TV series on Netflix, it's what I watch when I work on bags. I understand horror movies aren't for everyone, some of you enjoy Downton Abbey, but I find I work best whilst watching bad slasher / thriller/ horror movies. Does this make me a strange duck, yes it does! Will I be able to survive a horror movie, for sure!
I spend a lot of the day alone sewing bags and it's not uncommon that I will comment aloud to my computer screen while it plays some terrible movie. The " why are you going in there?" or the " just shoot him and get out!" are usually my go to comments. These movies always seem to have the same formula and it frustrates me. So here is a list of movies I loved to hate! Please note that I'm only watching English speaking movies because reading subtitles and sewing are a skill I have yet to develop.
Not The Purge
First up is the most recent horror movie I watched, The Strangers Prey At Night. It was pretty captivating, mostly because they had " Based on true events" at the beginning. All through the movie I was saying to myself " Well one of these guys has to live to tell the tale" because otherwise how would they have been able to make this movie. I'm not just a pretty face, I'm smart too! But after very little research, the writer-director was inspired by the Manson family Tate murders, the Keddie Cabin Murders and break-ins that occurred in his neighborhood when he was a kid. So can anything be " Based on true events"? This movie is the sequel to a movie I have not seen called The Strangers. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess his next movie will be The Strangers like to go to Bingo. Regardless of all this, the movie was a decent slasher. It's what you expect from these kinds of movies. No reason why the killers are after them, more blood than a body has and good guys talking way to much when they should be shooting. I rate it 8/10. I deducted 2 points, one for them having the bad guy cornered and not shooting and the other is that this based on true events was kind of a lie.
No playing volleyball in jeans in this movie, folks!
Up next, The Open House. I've seen this movie twice and usually if I watch something more than once it's because it has a good balance. I really do like this actor (as a friend). He was in a Supernatural episode with a similar plot (someone living in the walls to someone...( spoilers!)) to this movie. I can't say there were any moments that I was disappointed by but maybe the last scene was kind of unnecessary unless they were planning to make more of these. The last scene gave me that late 90s vibe of slasher movies where they would leave it open ended. Then you're left with that " Oh that scamp! He's at it again!" It's got some good twists and I built these theories that turned out were completely wrong but would have made this movie even cooler. Anyhow, this is a pretty tame horror movie but still a good one. I rate 8/10
The one picture of them being quiet.
And lastly, because I need to end this article at some point, The Basement. Just noticed that the titles of horror movies almost always start with THE. Okay, so The Basement was different. That does not mean it was good. I mean it does keep you guessing until the end but the acting was just for lack of better word, poop. It did have a former OC cast member, I remember her being better at acting. Clearly I was wrong! The description of the movie is so misleading. The movie itself kind of goes nowhere. Why was this movie made? I'm pretty sure I watched it because I was running out of options. There's nothing really great about this movie other than the reveal at the end which took them forever to get to. I really can't say more on this one. I rate it 2/10
They can't all be winners ( I do go looking for the really bad ones though) and I can't rate all 232 of them but for the most part they do their job of being background noise.
Next, The Super. That's right, Val Kilmer is back! Madmartigan! I was hoping it would have been a better movie. It had twists, red herrings (not the fish...although they may as well had thrown a few in there for kicks) and then it kind of felt like they just gave up on the writing at the end. This was I guess a satanic horror/ thriller. Not much to say on this movie without giving away everything that made it something. This is a movie to have on in the background, leave the room or the house and come back for the last 10 minutes. The important thing to remember is that Val Kilmer is in it and he plays a creepy man. I rate it 3/10.
Next up, The Silence. A clear knock off of A Quiet Place. Still fun to watch but these people could not be quiet. First off, the news tells you these monsters are attracted to noise and to stay home. They immediately pack up and bring THEIR DOG!!! Dogs bark guys, they can't help it. Mistake number one. At this point in the movie I'm shushing them and saying " Ya shouldn't have brought the dog!" Then they are just talking loudly even though they all know sign language. Please make note that if you are ever in a situation where a cult comes to your home to take your fertile women but end up leaving, you know they are coming back later! Hey! How about you all sleep in the same room, you know... to survive! Oh man, writing this paragraph is frustrating me as much as watching this movie. My note on this movie is literally " SHUT UP!" Hahaha! Besides all this, it was an entertaining movie but they are losing 3 points because they were dummies and the end was weird. I rate 7/10
I had the same look on my face watching this movie.
Not the movie The Basement, but definitely scarier.