Closing time
Baby Girl due in December
Jeebus! It’s been 2 year since my last article?
Well folks, the moment is almost upon us. I will be closing my shop temporarily at the end of September 2022. I started Sour in 2007 and right now it seems odd to not be making bags every day. It’s not a goodbye but more a “ Well, I’ll see ya!” and yet it still chokes me up to talk about it. I have good reasons to be shutting down. I’m currently 27 weeks pregnant, something I wasn’t sure would happen after my miscarriage last year. It’s been emotional and I shed tears just typing this out. I blame it mostly on hormones but also I’m not as tough as I look. So I’m going to be a mom and I need to focus on that. Sewing every day and creating every day is demanding, especially when you feel you’re always running up hill.( I will not be inserting THAT Kate Bush song. The internet has ruined it for me forever) Social media has made it much more challenging to be noticed and I can’t deal with that and a poopy diaper.
Motherhood will be my new full time job and I do hope to return to bag making once I get settled into having the little one around 24\7 and finding my bearings as a parent. I want to return in the Spring of 2023, but I can’t promise anything. We’ll see how things go.
Thank you for all your support, in whatever form you’ve given it. I’m sorry you’ve had no new bags to look at lately and had to suffer through the same old same old. I get it! Views aren’t everything, right? I just hope you’re still around when I get back.
Keep a spot for Sour in your hearts and I’ll try to pop in every so often to update you on how I’m doing.
Who knew this crazy lady would be a mom!
The belly grows larger