All About that trend
From the title of this article you’d assume I follow trends and stay on point with my fashion styles when in reality I think trends are dumb. I feel fashion trends puts everyone in a corner and nobody puts baby in a corner. We end up all having the same color palette, the same style of designs and the Rachel hair-do. I’m not into it.
Fashion hasn’t really come up with something unique in centuries. We seem to keep recycling old styles. Bohemian and Hippie are back in! Everything is high waisted and bell bottom.
Fun fact: High waist pants make me look like I have no middle part to my body. My true waist is somewhere between my chin and shoulders. For some they may look nice, but just because stores and magazines are filled with them doesn’t mean it’ll look good on me. I’ve been in this body for over 30 years, I know what works and what doesn’t. I think we end up wasting money on clothes we’ll never wear because we saw it on a show, on someone else, and thought it was cute. Finding your style takes years and you may need to wait for it to cycle back around to clothes that are considered on trend. Which is why shopping secondhand comes in handy. You’re not paying as much for clothes that can last the test of time and aren’t your horribly assembled, one-time use, Forever 21 clothes. I am guilty of buying clothes from them, but I make sure they won’t fall apart after a wash. I’m also getting better at not frivolously spending money on clothes I’ll never wear. Is that old age kicking in?
Awwww to be young again!
I went through a skater phase in my late teens/ early 20s, where I thought I could skateboard.
I made those shorts from a pair of secondhand old man pants!
Fast fashion is horrible for us all and they shovel those trends out as fast as they can. Don’t depend on them for your style. Create your own and watch what you buy. If you buy from big stores, be sure the item fits and that you’ll wear it until it disintegrates off your body. Local purchases are always great. It helps small businesses but it may not always be in your budget. Be sure those pieces are versatile and also fit. You don’t want that 150$ dress to sit in your closet reminding you of how eco-friendly you are but also how you wasted 150$. Shop smart…shop…well you know the rest!
- Kasey